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Tantric Feminine

Caroline brings a new experience & is the only Tantric therapist on the Island. Having trained in person for 3 years this beautiful therapy supports women to reconnect with their feminine power & energy through Tantric Healing Touch.


Sacred tantric massage is an invitation to go on a journey of self discovery and re-connection with your body, heart & soul.


It is an unfolding into oneself,  softening the very edges of your being and gently lowering the defenses you have built up over the years.


Life's experiences, relationships, self-belief, body image, medical interventions, birthing, trauma and more, all lead to us unconsciously hugging ourselves closer, becoming tighter and tighter until we have the inability or diminished ability in reaching our desires and feeling comfortable in our skin.


If you have lost your mojo, can't connect with your sensual being, feel tired & depleted this might just be the way forward to reigniting your fire, passion, joy and inner peace.


Re-ignite your feminine energy, feel your fire once again.

Pleasure and healing combine with this gentle touch FULL body healing session.


Tantra is not about sex but about supporting you to come home safely into yourself. To trust and love your body and reconnect with your sensual self.


Let go of tension, stress and trauma, release deeply protected unhealed emotions from the past, move from shame to pleasure. 


Caroline will guide you through breath work, caressing touch, honoring all of your being from top to toe  & holding a space for You the woman to express all that she is, safely & supported.


If you would like to come out of your restrictive chrysalis and be reborn ready to fly, make contact for a friendly informal chat.


This is for you if;


  • you feel out of touch with your body, have lost your mojo and sensuality

  • You are fearful or reserved with intimacy and touch

  •  you have had passed negative sexual experiences

  •  you are ready to start a truly unique journey of self-discovery


 this is not for you if;


  •  you are looking for a quick fix you are not open to allowing change in your life

  •  you want to hold on to your negative story instead of changing

  •  you want someone to fix you or you do not feel worthy of the time and financial investment

Whilst a one-off session would bring benefits and leave you feeling nourished and cared for it is not enough to really immerse in the journey of tantra and the changes it can bring within you.  My offer of a journey with me is symbolic of my honour and respect to you, your body and your investment in yourself. 


Tantric sacred touch sessions do NOT include internal yoni massage - this is a separate offering and only offered if the individual’s body shows and calls to say it is ready. Caroline is a professional therapist and as such works to a code of conduct and ethics;  she remains fully dressed throughout the treatment and does not invite reciprocal touch, only you the client will be touched with gentle caress. 


Before attending a sharing Caroline politely requests that you are freshly showered due to the nature of the work.  In the event you arrive unshowered you will either be offered the opportunity to shower within the treatment area but this will be included in your time, if this is not possible the sharing will be cancelled with no refund.


Approx 2 hour session, package of three £495

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